Simon Jose Antonio de la Santisima Trinidad Bolivar y Palacios Ponte y Blanco, better known as Simon Bolivar (Caracas, Captaincy General of Venezuela , 24 julionota January 3, 1783 - Santa Marta , Gran Colombia , December 17, 1830 ) was a Venezuelan military and political pre- Republican period of the Captaincy General of Venezuela , founder of the Gran Colombia and one of the leading figures of American emancipation against the Spanish Empire. He contributed decisively to the independence of current Bolivia , Colombia , Ecuador , Panama , Peru and Venezuela manner.In 1813 he was awarded the honorary title of Libertador by the City Council of Merida in Venezuela , Caracas after being ratified in the same year , was associated with his name . The problems to carry out their plans were so frequent that even said himself that he was " the man of difficulties " in a letter to General Francisco de Paula Santander in 1825 letter .
He participated in the foundation of Gran Colombia , a nation that tries to establish itself as a major political and military confederation in America, of which he was President . Bolivar is considered by his actions and ideas "Man of America" and a leading figure in world history , and that left a political legacy in various Latin American countries , some of which have become an object of veneration nationalist . He has received honors in several parts of the world through statues or monuments , parks , squares, etc. . Also, his ideas and political - social attitudes led to a stream or posture called bolivarianismo .
Simon, of Basque descent of bolibarjauregui, was born on the night of 24 to 25 julionota 3 of 1783 , in a manor house located in the Plaza San Jacinto Caracas.nota 4 was baptized on july 30, 1783,in the cathedral Caracas , with the names of Simon jose Antonio de la santisima Trinidad de la Concepcion , by Dr. Juan Felix Jeres de Arsgueieta , his cousin who, according to don Juan Vicente , father of the child, put the name of Simon. Early .Childhood.
In january 1786, when simon was two years old,his father died of tuberculosis, and so dona concepcion was as head of household effectively ensuring the interestsbof the family until his death
however, the responsibilities caused his health, too sick with tuberculosis, decayed rapidly and , in the opinion of medical historians, and then younmay suffer the bolivar tuberculous primary infection with a type of tuberculosis that goes unnoticed while the body´s defenses are favorable
concepcion died on july 6,1792 , when simon was nine, but taking care to make a will in which I decided who should take care of their children.
the brothers then became bolivar custody pf his granfather, Don feliciano palacios,when he assumed the role of tutor felt so sick he started to cook their will to appoint a replacement as guardian of her grandchildren and decided to ask them to review , respect their will.
simon was entrusted to his uncle Don Esteban palacios y Blancos, but as he was in Spain remained in the custody of Don Carlos Palacios y Blanco, another of his unces,who apparently was a man she did not get aling and that was rough, hard character , narrowminded, who are frequently absent from Caracas to meet their properties and therefore used to leave his nephew attended by servants and going on own to public School Caracas.
References Bolivar left in his correspondece make suppose that his childhood was happy, happy, safe, surrounded by strong emotions and fond memories with prominent and influential relatives in an aristocrati environment and generally in an environment that proveded his emotional balance , love and affection.
In this sense there are some stories that were popular in Venezuela who had Bolivar as a troubled child because the romantic writers considered essential attribute an untamed childhood believing, accordin to tha fashion of the time , could not get an exceptional man of a child average but has been demontrasred that these stories were inventd and introduced in the stories of hietory by Aristides Rojas, considered an excellent storyteller but often used his imagination to lack of documents to prove the veracity of his stories.
Boliva school performance was not very bright as a student at Public School, an institution run by the council of Caracas that worked poorly due to lack of resuerces and organozation.
At the time, Rodriguez was Simon Bolivar´s teacher at this school and Don Carlos, gave
thought to live with him because he could not see him personally and theprotests of his niece Maria Antonia on education and attention she received her brother were frequent. Faced with the prospect of living with his master,Simon escaped from the house of his uncle the july 23, 1795, to make refuge in his sister Maria Antonia , who held temporaty custody , until the court case was resolved in the cour case was resolved in the real hearing that returned to Caracas Don Carlos, custody of Simon.
Simon tried to resist but was forcible removed from his sister´s house and carried on wings for a slave to the house of his master.
Once there, the conditions under which the master lived with rodriguez were not ideal, they had to share a couple of time on tha was back by court order.
before long, Rodriguez resigned from teacher ti go to Europe and the Roval Audiencia of caracas determined that simon was transferred to the Academy of math, led by Father Andujar and working at his uncle Carlos .
Apparently, in this academy training Bolivar improved dramaticall in quality and quantity, and supplemented with history lessons and cosmography taught by Don Andres Bello to entry is the Battalion Militia targest of valles de Aragua on January 14,1797.
there is a misconception that between 1793and 1795,were enrolled in the Royal College of Soreze in the South of France ,in the departament of Tarn.5 mariage
Bolivar was sent to Spain at age 15 to continue his studies. In Madrid in 1800 met the young Maria Teresa Rodriguez del Toro and Alaiza ,6 when he was only 17 years old and she 20.7 In August 1800 Mary teresa accepted the engagement to Simon Bolivar , and were married on May 26,1802,8 in the Teatrillo of the Duke of Frias , which served as the primitive church of San Jose Palacios, Bolivar was 19 and Maria Teresa 21. After aboutb20 day they moved to la Coruña .
On June 15,1802 he departed fron Caracas , landing on July 12 in La Guaira .
After aq short stay in Caracas he moved to the "Big House" with Bolivar in San Mateo . Maria Teresa shortly after"- now dentified variously as yellow fever or malaria , so the couple retured to Caracas link his house in Caracasc, where she died on January 22,1803.
The Young Bolivar traveled , with grief , to miligate the symbolty that caused the death of his wife .It was in this mood when he never got married
Simon Bolivar, Liberator of Venezuela, New Granada (today Colombia and that included Panama), Quito and Guayaquil (now called Ecuador), Peru and Upper Peru (later renamed Bolivia in his honor), died on December 17, 1830 in santa Marta, Colombia, at 1:03:55 pm, because of advanced (Colombia time) pneumonia.